Leveling Up Your Game



Why Do I Blog?

As I learn lessons through books, video games, movies, my career, and personal life, I want to share them here with you! My goal is to help you level up your game!

If you’re here reading, I will assume you may be a fellow gamer, geek, movie buff, or bookworm, so reading my blogs may help you:

  1. Understand and enjoy video games, books, and movies more!
  2. Learn how games and media can translate into real-world skills
  3. Find a new level of success and happiness in your life
  4. Develop a strategy to accomplish more with your skills and talents
  5. Level up your game by overcoming issues you may be struggling with
  6. Grow your website or social media following
  7. Become part of a community with similar interests

Most of my blogs will tie into experiences I am having, games I am playing, or something similar along those lines. I have found that writing my thoughts down helps me break down ideas and learn more thoroughly.

What this means is that I will likely be learning just as much as you by writing these blogs. So it’s basically a win/win for us both!

The more you interact with me and share your thoughts and ideas about my blogs, the more I learn and can write better content in the future!

So if you like what you read, feel free to share with someone who may appreciate the content and reach out to me and share your thoughts! I look forward to hearing from you and happy reading!