Leveling Up Your Game

Level Up Your Career

Looking to decide on a career? Or maybe you are unhappy with your career and looking for a change?

This page contains articles and blogs that have helped me learn, understand, and decide on a career I am happy with. My path went something like this:

I went to college with no clue what I wanted to do. So I started as a physics major, which then morphed into a degree for electrical engineering. After graduating, I wasn’t happy with engineering so I wanted to start learning to code. I couldn’t find a job so as a hobby, I started my YouTube channel focusing around video games.

As I recorded videos, I experimented with web development and made the choice that coding was what I wanted to do. I forced myself to go to a career fair and tell every employer who had coding positions that, “That is what I want to do.”

I basically took the leap and just went for it. I lucked out and got a job at a startup cyber-security company where I began learning to code. The combination of YouTube and web development eventually led me to Twitch, a career starting a business in SEO & Social Media. 

And to tell you the truth, I had no idea what I was doing most of the time. I took things one step at a time and made it a priority to make sure that each step of the way led me closer to what I wanted and felt like I was supposed to do.

But my website is not about how I’ve gotten to where I am today, it’s about how I can help you get to where you want to be in 6 months, a year, or 5 years!

Whether you are a young gamer who is still in school or an adult fully set in a career, I hope the advice I share here may help guide you toward a better career for yourself.

And if you have any questions about your future career path, feel free to reach out to me and ask directly via my social media profiles at the bottom of the page! I may be able to help!

Enjoy and happy reading!