Oko, Thief of Crowns was just recently revealed by Wizards of the Coast as the first new card from the new MT set Throne of Eldraine and it’s an interesting one. The new MTG Magic the Gathering planeswalker has a few interesting abilities, but the most intriguing is the ability to create a “food token”. As far as I know, I can’t recall ever having any sort of card or magic token card create anything related to a food token, but maybe it’ll tie in with the Devour ability! lol
He also has an ability that makes a lot of sense in that he is a shapeshifter, so exchanging control of creatures is a pretty interesting ability. The Throne of Eldraine set is scheduled for release on October 4th and Wizards of the Coast and Magic the Gathering will be live streaming to reveal the new Throne of Eldraine art and card set on https://www.twitch.tv/magic September 4th, 2019.
I’m not too sure whether this will be a super valuable planeswalker card, but I’m absolutely interested in learning more about the Food token card situation and I’m guessing this will be defined as one of the main mechanics in the new Throne of Eldraine MTG set.
Oko Thief of Crowns is also number 179 of 269 cards so the new magic the gathering set is a little larger and will use the expansion code ELD. Throne of Eldraine Art Direction is run by Cynthia Sheppard and will be inspired by the romantic Arthurian legend of Camelot and Grimms’ Fairy Tales which will feature knights and castles along with Magic the Gathering’s take on the genre of fairy tales.
I am looking forward to learning more about Oko Thief of Crown’s planeswalker abilities and even more excited to see more of the magic the gathering cards from the Throne of Eldraine MTG set! We will see what they have in store for the next installment of Magic the Gathering cards and all the new Planeswalkers, so keep an eye out for more news and tune into the live stream on Twitch!