Let’s play some Fatal Frame II! This Fatal Frame 2 Walkthrough was my first time playing the game and I can honestly say that I actually enjoyed Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly more than Fatal Frame 1.
My favorite horror games have always been Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube, Silent Hill 1 on PS1, and Resident Evil on PS1, but Fatal Frame 2 may have actually topped it’s way into that list!
Not only is the game suspenseful and frightening, but it actually implements excellent gameplay mechanics and leaves you with the feeling of being vulnerable at all times throughout the game.
I’ve found that games that do this well instill an extra level of fear than games where you can just blast your way through and aren’t vulnerable and aren’t actually in every moment.
I hope you enjoy my Fatal Frame II walkthrough as much as I enjoyed playing it for the first time!