13 Thing That Dont Make Sense In Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Featured

13 Things That Don’t Make Sense In Star Wars Rise of Skywalker

I just walked out of Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. As the movie ended, the audience clapped and cheered. I found myself thinking to myself, “Did people really LIKE this movie?”. The critics have given the film terrible scores, but surprisingly (at the moment of me writing this), the audience score for the movie on Rotten Tomatoes is an 87% with 6,000+ votes!

So am I in the wrong with my reaction or is this truly a terrible movie? I am going to share my complaints about the movie and if I missed anything or misunderstood things somehow, PLEASE let me know so I can understand how anyone could have enjoyed this movie.

1. Be Yourself, Rey – No Thanks, I’d Prefer To Be A Skywalker

Throughout the film, Rey was told often to “be her true self” and to not be afraid to “be who she is”. An excellent theme which stays right in Star Wars’ wheelhouse. Then, at the end of the film, she is asked by an old woman who she is and decides to completely give up who she really is and adopt the name of Skywalker instead of Palpatine.

I would have preferred her to accept her past, her family history, the new identity she has found and become proud of everything that has made her who she is. Instead, she adopts a new identity.

She did say no one actually understands who she really is. Guess she wanted to be a Skywalker the entire time!

2. What Happens When Rey Kills Palpatine?

Let’s break down the whole scene with Rey and Palpatine:

Palpatine – “Rey, you must kill me. When you do, the entire force of the past Sith will flow through you!”

Rey – “No, I will NOT.”

Palpatine – “Yes, You Will!”

Rey – “Okay, maybe I will. I cannot resist!”

Ben – “No, I will stop you from making the worst mistake of your life Rey. I love you!”

Palpatine – “Begone Fool. I shall throw you into a pit.”

Rey – “You’re hurting my friends. Okay, now I’ll kill you.”

Audience – “Wait, did Palpatine really die this time? Nothing he said about the Sith flowing through her happened so maybe he’s alive and I can expect to see him again in the next Star Wars film, too.”

Sorry Sith Souls, you’ll just have to wait a trilogy longer to be released!

I guess the writers just assumed that the audience would accept that the powers of a Jedi just ALWAYS overpower the powers of the Sith.

And speaking of powers…

3. How Is Rey Getting Her Jedi Powers

Rey has been strong with the force from the moment we saw her. She’s a bad ass woman who knows how to handle herself, completely kicks ass in all respects, inspires the men and women around her, and displays the inner struggle of never knowing her family incredibly well. She’s a great character.

With all of that being said, how is she learning to use the Force? In Rise of Skywalker, she can all of a sudden hold a massive ship still in mid-air, discovers she can shoot lighting like a true Palpatine (completely by mistake), but the biggest issue for me is she can now magically heal people?

I find it hard to believe that no Jedi in the past has ever tried to heal someone using the Force and mysteriously, Rey is suddenly able to do it. Granted, force healing has been seen in spinoffs and in Star Wars video games, but the jump to this felt pretty extreme.

4. Did Leia Sacrifice Herself For Nothing?

Leia felt the conflict within when her son, Ben Solo, and Rey were fighting. She chose to use all of her life force to reach Ben and I guess prevent him from maybe killing Rey (which didn’t seem like was going to happen in the first place).

So she gives up her life force to reach him and he ends up getting stabbed and I would assume fatally wounded.

Then the immediate scene after, Rey decides that she will just heal him and everything will be okay. I guess I can see that this was the moment when Kylo realized the power of good and started changing, but it did not make sense from a character development standpoint for me.

So when it comes down to it, Leia sacrificed herself for absolutely nothing. One of the most iconic characters in the world of Star Wars, gone in a send-off that for me is insulting to her legacy (both on and off the screen).

5. Did Chewbacca Die in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker?

Directors all be like, “Ha, Faked You OUT!”

The scene with Rey thinking that she accidentally killed Chewbacca was probably one of the strongest scenes of this entire movie. She was unaware of her powers and only wanted to help, but ended up destroying the ship she believed Chewbacca was taken hostage on.

Excellent job from Rey’s side of the equation.

However, from the Chewbacca side, it was pretty terrible.

For one, Chewbacca just strolls out into the desert like nothing is wrong and is going to go bring Rey back I guess? That didn’t really seem like a natural course of action, but that’s beside the point.

So Chewbacca gets caught and is shown just accepting that he is going to be taken away without a fight. Chewie would not have let things go down just like that!

I feel like this entire section of the film was an empty attempt at pulling on the heart strings of the audience and was very poorly executed.

Had Chewbacca died in this way, it would have been the lamest death for a character ever other than sacrificing yourself for no reason like Leia did. Also, it was very predictable that Chewbacca would still be alive. The thought that there was another massive ship that the entire crew (including the all powerful Rey) just seemed to not even notice makes no sense.

Rey has honed her power of the Force to hold massive ships, shoot lightning, and even heal people, but sensing other life forces in the near vicinity….she just happened to miss that part! I don’t think so.

6. Why Did Kylo and Leia’s Bodies Disappear At The Same Time?

Was Leia in Jedi purgatory until her son could also die with her? Maybe the Leia’s life force was like, “Hey Kylo, you were supposed to die when I sacrificed us for the greater good, but Rey snuck in her ninja healing skills and botched up my plan!”

Then when Kylo did die she was like, “Well, you’re finally dead for real now so we can both rest in peace.”

7. Where Did The Resistance Fleet Come From?

Throughout Rise of Skywalker, the characters told each other a few times, “Good People Will Fight…If We Lead Them”.

Excellent theme and 100% was a huge element that I loved from the Star Wars trilogy up to this point.

In the end of Return of the Jedi, I truly felt like the people had been led and the forces of good had banned together to destroy the forces of evil.

However, in Rise of Skywalker, I don’t recall any scenes where the “good people” were being led. Sure, the team was fighting the war between good and evil, but where were the scenes showing these “good people” being motivated?

Instead, Lando Calrissian just somehow recruited an army and appeared out of nowhere. 

I won’t complain too much on this one because it was great to see Billy Dee Williams bringing Lando Calrissian back for one final showdown, but usually, a good movie would show some reason or way for the galaxy to have been aware of what Rey and the crew were actually doing.

8. Can Luke Skywalker Still Hold A Light Saber?

So I guess this is kind of just a moot point, but what exactly is the deal with Jedi being able to physically interfere with the real world now?

If Yoda can still summon lightning to destroy things from the afterlife and Luke can physically interact with a light saber, why don’t all the past Jedi band together and just destroy Palpatine themselves?

Under this logic, they could have just had a Luke Skywalker vs Palpatine showdown!

9. Can All Star Destroyers Now Destroy Planets?

With a complete battalion of destroyers that have been hiding for years in wait, why didn’t Palpatine just use these in the original Star Wars? I mean, I guess they hadn’t worked out all the weaknesses yet back then but they figured it all out now! We’ll just put a little tower that can shut EVERYTHING down in plain site. And as a backup for that, we will be sure that the ENTIRE fleet relies on a single ship for it’s orders. Geniuses, we are!

At least make it difficult to land that perfect shot like on the Death Star or something!

10. How Did Rey Get Her Gold Light Saber?

At the end of the film, Rey returns to Luke Skywalker’s home to bury her two light sabers. This makes sense and was a good scene…until she magically had a NEW light saber! Where did it come from? Did she make it? Who knows? But she is the very first person in the entire history of the Jedi to have a Gold Life Force!

Rey must have worked out a deal like Samuel L. Jackson where she said, “I ain’t doing no last Star Wars film unless you get me a GOLD light saber with BMF engraved on the hilt! Oh, and while you’re at it, I wanna kiss Kylo….but make sure it’s completely awkard please.”

11. Was Fin Going To Confess His Love For Rey?

Just before the crew gets sucked down into the quicksand and are afraid they are all going to die, Fin turns to Rey and tells, “Rey, I’ve needed to tell you something”…

But then he doesn’t get the chance to tell her. I’m sure most everyone assumed he was afraid he was going to die and may have wanted to confess his love for her…or something like that.

But we find out later that of course, they didn’t die, but they also never addressed what he was going to tell her!

Poe even asks him because he is also curious, but this never gets resolved. Was there a point to it? I guess we will never know.

Mostly, why was it even included in the first place if it would never be resolved?

*It is being reported that JJ Abrams himself has said he “believes Finn wanted to tell Rey that he was Force-sensitive.”

Not exactly sure how JJ Abrams doesn’t quite know what he wanted Finn to be thinking at that moment, but with this movie, it doesn’t surprise me!

Reference: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/star-wars-rise-of-skywalker-finn-rey-love-john-boyega-jj-abrams-a9260436.html

12. How Did Han Solo Come Back?

Why did Han Solo look like he was alive and well when he was talking with Kylo? This entire scene felt very strange to me. Did they not consider making him appear as some sort of ghost or at least make it clear that he was not actually there instead of having Han touch Kylo’s face, Kylo calling him Dad, and making the entire audience feel like they were also going to kiss? #awkward

13. Why Did Kylo Ren and Rey Kiss?

I’m all about a little romance in a Star Wars film. Playful banter between Han Solo and Leia was always a strong point of the original trilogy. I’m just not exactly sure how the directors thought this “Reylo” moment was going to make any sense.

I think they were going for the awkward brother & sister kiss feel like the did with Luke and Leia. The awkard pause as they stare deeply into each others eyes for 30 seconds also wasn’t cliche at all… 

At Least Chewbacca got his medal!

Overall, it’s pretty apparent that I was not a fan of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. It was a very disappointing end to one of my favorite things of all time, but it is what it is. I have seen that audiences around the country are really enjoying the film and giving it high ratings, especially from people who despised The Last Jedi.

If you enjoyed Rise of Skywalker and still made it to the end of my rant, I appreciate you!

In the end, Star Wars will always remain a beloved movie franchise that has impacted our live, inspired creativity, and defined an industry.

If you have thoughts about the film you would like to discuss, feel free to reach out to me on social media! I love discussing everything with all of you and I thank you for reading!

May The Force Be With You!

28 thoughts on “13 Things That Don’t Make Sense In Star Wars Rise of Skywalker”

  1. You are not a fan at all not just of this film, if youbwhole idea of being a fan if to pay for a movie ticket just so you have something to bash on the next day, and I know you will post something like “Oh, all the sad Star Wars nerds are upset” so be it. I would rather be that than what you and all the other so called fans out there are. As far as your 13 lame nitpicking and reaching for readers and people to join you. The only one I will give you is the Fleets arrival but maybe the presence of Lando and the mighty Chewbacca asking for help with where to go worked. And the point of Rey and the 1000 Jedi within her going against Palps and the 1000 Sith within him was the plan. You know if you go to these movie wanting to enjoy them and not LOOKING for whats wrong with them you might be pleased….or maybe doing this is what pleases you….whatever.

    1. I actually REALLY wanted to enjoy this film going in! I was very positive about the first two in this trilogy defending The Last Jedi when my friends bashed it. I really do not intentionally look for things wrong, but as I left this film, I just felt incredibly disappointed and felt that it didn’t live up to the Star Wars I had always grown up with and supported 100%.

      With that being said, I do believe that this movie should have probably been split up into two films (which isn’t a reality), but everything just felt rushed and disjointed. This could be because they had to fix issues that were created from The Last Jedi, too. Who knows?

      But I do appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this. The idea of the 1000 Jedi vs the 1000 Sith would have been awesome had they properly developed it and made it apparent that the reason she stayed in control is because the Jedi overpower the Sith. That’s actually not a bad theory, but with the actual scenes in the film, that wasn’t really developed.

      I truly did want this movie to be remarkable and unfortunately, for me, it just did not do the series justice 🙁

      1. writing this), the audience score for the movie on Rotten Tomatoes is an 87% with 6,000+ votes!
        So am I in the wrong with my reaction or is this truly a terrible movie? I am going to share my complaints about the movie and if I missed anything or misunderstood things somehow, PLEASE let me know so I can understand how anyone could have enjoyed this movie.
        1. Be Yourself, Rey – No Thanks, I’d Prefer To Be A Skywalker
        She is only a Palpatine in the sense the Emperor is her blood. She is who she is because of what she learned on her own and with the help of the Skywalker’s. Since there are no more Skywalkers left, she chose to honor them and continue their legacy by choosing their name as her own.
        2. What Happens When Rey Kills Palpatine?
        She didn’t not kill him with her power. She used his own power to kill him and he refused to stop shooting lighting out at her and she merely pushed toward him with lightsabers deflecting his own power back at him. Basically he killed himself.
        3. How Is Rey Getting Her Jedi Powers
        We are told she has been trained by Leia (which we are shown at some point was trained by Luke) plus she can still learn from Luke since she can still communicate with his spirit. Finn yells to Rey that they took Chewbacca because he knows she can do something. Holding that ship is a skill she learned since the last movie. Not everything has to be shown on screen and we have to believe she has learned more Jedi skills since we last saw her including learning to heal. Why have we not seen a Jedi heal someone in the past? Maybe Jedi’s in that situation had yet to learn that skill.

        Also when the lightning comes out of her hand(foreshadowing that she will be revealed as a Palpatine) she is just as shocked as the audience. Why did it happen at that moment? Her anger was released as she was already trying to save Chewbacca and then had to prove her powers were greater than Kylo Ren.
        4. Did Leia Sacrifice Herself For Nothing?
        Leia did what she could to help but I don’t see it as a sacrifice. You give up your life force in that manner in order for your spirit to communicate and guide other Jedi. That’s what Obi-Wan, Yoda, Vader, and Luke did. There’s a pattern.
        5. Did Chewbacca Die in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker?
        Most of this was explained in my previous answer. Chewbacca has been captured before and when there are as many enemies as there were, he absolutely would go out like that. Even though Chewbacca is a beast that lets his temper get away from him, he’s smart enough to know when he is outnumbered/outmatched.
        6. Why Did Kylo and Leia’s Bodies Disappear At The Same Time?
        Probably due to setting up the scene. It’s a little awkward to disappear at the same time but it’s more awkward to build the scene up for Leia to disappear and then do it a few minutes later for Kylo.
        7. Where Did The Resistance Fleet Come From?
        I would have to assume that Lando has made many many connects and he is remembered as one of the many who took down the Empire, so all he has to do is put the word out that the Empire is rebuilding.
        8. Can Luke Skywalker Still Hold A Light Saber?
        Yeah I have no argument with this one!
        9. Can All Star Destroyers Now Destroy Planets?
        Palpating didn’t expect to lose in Return of the Jedi. He had other plans for those ships. Plus they were probably still being build. That was 36 years ago!
        10. How Did Rey Get Her Gold Light Saber?
        The film is already 2 hours and 30 minutes. YOU. CAN’T. SHOW. EVERYTHING!
        11. Was Fin Going To Confess His Love For Rey?
        This is another point I have no argument for. The film is in no way perfect.
        12. How Did Han Solo Come Back?
        This was also dumb. No argument again.
        13. Why Did Kylo Ren and Rey Kiss?
        I thought the tension of the kids had been building since Force Awakens.

        1. I did enjoy the scene where she held the ship still and then accidentally blew it up with the lightning! I thought that was probably the best scene in the film, but I felt it was just poorly followed up on.

          I do agree with you that it is acceptable that she gave up being a Palpatine to carry on the legacy of the Skywalkers. It’s just that throughout the entire film, they continued to tell her to be true to who she is and not to be afraid of being herself, so it conflicted with me. But reading your description, I can totally see how you are saying she did realize who she was, was not afraid to be herself, and she felt that she was connected more strongly with the Skywalkers and took up their name as her new-self. That makes sense.

          And you are also right that I think this film was just not able to be long enough (or should have been 2 movies) to fit in all the details I was hoping for.

          I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on it. By no means a perfect film like you said, but your take on things does make sense so it’s great to hear a new perspective!

      2. I agree with everything you said. I also left feeling very disappointed. I went by myself and when I got home I told my gf that there were a lot of dumb stuff in the movie and it was the 13 things you described. I also felt as if they rushed it and should’ve made it a 2 part movie. The only thing I have to disagree with you on is the Han scene. He looked real because he wasn’t a ghost, he was a memory.

        1. I think it may have been a combination of being rushed and squeezed into 1 movie instead of 2, but also I think there was just so much that was shut off story/character wise from The Last Jedi that it was difficult to tie everything together in the time available.

          And with the Han scene, I think it was the looking real and actually touching his face. I get that he was a memory, just seemed weird to me. It could also be that in The Last Jedi he just ruthlessly slaughtered him and I didn’t feel the remorse there.

      1. I am a very big Star Wars fan and had very high hopes for this film (even when my friends were ripping apart The Last Jedi). It just didn’t live up to what I had hoped, but I’m glad you seemed to enjoy it. What would you correct on my list?

  2. To start with, I am sorry you didn’t like the film. I personally loved it!
    To explain, the whole Rey being her true self…This was a nature versus nurture situation. Rey’s “nature” was that she was a Palpatine. She was “nurtured” by the Skywalker family through her guidance with Luke’s training and then Leia’s. She also had the influence of the Resistence behind her and her friends, first Han, Chewie and Finn, and then Poe. So her “new family” as the Emperor called them, raised her and reinforced the good in her. So in the end, just like a step child taking on the name of a good parent that raised them, she decided she was more Skywalker than Palpatine.
    Rey did not kill Palpatine, she did not strike him down. She simply blocked and deflected his own energy back at him therefore not truly being the one to kill him. He could have stopped shooting lightning at her at any time. Mace Windu was going to strike Palpatine down in Episode III with his lightsaber if not for Anakin stopping him. There is the difference.
    You ask how is Rey getting her powers? She has them within her due to natural ability due to her Palpatine bloodline. Just like some people are born athletes and some are not.
    Leia did not die for nothing! Her distraction allowed Rey to hurt Kylo and then heal him. Due to his guilt he has thought it was too late for him and he views himself as a monster. Rey healing him let his heart open up to the idea that someone cared enough to save him. I will answer your Han Solo question within this. Kylo was finally able to remember that his father did truly love him and now that he didn’t feel as much of a monster, thanks to Rey he saw a vision of his father and got forgiveness because he forgave himself finally.
    Chewie “dying” furthered Rey’s internal struggle about who she really is and in turn made her do reckless things to overcompensate for her perceived failure.
    Leia’s body disappeared at the same time because she couldn’t rest until her son was safe. By safe, I mean, back to the light with his redemption. A mother’s love knows no bounds.
    The Resistence fleet came from the galaxy beginning to unite after knowing that the greatest evil ever known had returned. Palpatine made it known he had returned. It was in the opening crawl.
    Yoda shot lightning, Luke caught a lightsaber. Now we are splitting hairs. Who knows, maybe there is a rule that once a jedi passes on they can’t interfere with destiny just guide.
    Yes, all the star destroyers can kill planets. Think of it this way, cell phones used to be very large, computers used to be very large. Tech decreases in size over time. Therefore the death star weapon tech was decreased as well.
    A Jedi’s training is complete when they can make their own lightsaber. Vader said to Luke in Episode VI, “you have constructed your own lightsaber, your training is now complete, you are indeed powerful as the Emperor has foreseen”. In addition at one point during the Clone Wars, Ashoka Tano wielded a gold saber.
    Was Finn going to say he loved Rey? Of course he was. He thought better of it later due to their friendship, or it could have been he met Jana and realized he should move on because the feelings weren’t mutual between Rey and himself.
    Rey and Kylo kissed because she has been in love with him and he with her for a while due to their connection through the force. Now that he turned back to the light she let her true feelings take over.
    When Chewie FINALLY got his medal, I am not gonna lie, it choked me up. It was nice that Leia was able to look back and realize that she should have given him a medal.
    Again, I am sorry you did not like the film. I hope that what I have written sheds a little light on your questions and maybe will give you more if an appreciation for The Rise of Skywalker.

    1. Your comments make a lot of sense to me. Some require leaps of faith, but I’m finding that most people who enjoyed the film took those leaps of faith to determine their own meaning behind a lot of my complaints.

      I do think the nature vs nurture argument is a good one to explain the ending. Luke said earlier “Some things are stronger than blood.” so that is likely their intention with choosing the name Skywalker all along.

      While you said that Palpatine killed himself in a way, I’ve actually preferred a different theory that many readers have mentioned. If Rey had killed Palpatine out of anger, she would have been turned to the dark side. However, she was not killing him out of anger and more out of love and protecting her friends which led to her not turning evil. I wish they had shown more signs toward this more clearly, but it does make sense and would be a cool explanation.

      With Ben and Han, I just felt that this scene was poorly done because he went from straight-up intentionally killing his father in cold blood to all of a sudden imagining that his father would stroke his face and he could forgive himself for such a monumental moment of evil. This is one scene that I don’t think will ever make sense for me and I believe it’s more due to how The Last Jedi kind of screwed things up between their characters more-so than Rise of Skywalkers scene.

      Also, JJ Abrams has come out and said that he “believes Finn wanted to tell Rey that he was Force-sensitive”. Not exactly sure how JJ Abrams doesn’t quite know what he wanted Finn to be thinking at that moment, but with this movie, it doesn’t surprise me. John Boyega has also apparently come out and said that Finn was not planning to tell Rey that he loved her.

      While I am still not a fan of the film, it does help that you share your opinions and help me understand a little more about why you enjoyed it! In the end, I would prefer more people to enjoy the movie, this one just didn’t do it for me. Thanks for your input

      1. The problem with this:
        “While you said that Palpatine killed himself in a way, I’ve actually preferred a different theory that many readers have mentioned. If Rey had killed Palpatine out of anger, she would have been turned to the dark side. However, she was not killing him out of anger and more out of love and protecting her friends which led to her not turning evil. I wish they had shown more signs toward this more clearly, but it does make sense and would be a cool explanation.”

        Is that there’s very little to indicate that the killing she was going to do during the ritual would have been out of anger. He told her if she didn’t do it her friends would all die, which is why she was cooperating. If killing him in defense of her friends out of love wouldn’t have let him (basically) possess her, it wouldn’t have worked in the ritual because she wasn’t killing him out of anger at that point. If he had simply continued to egg her on it would have more supported the theory.

        1. Yes, I think it’s just really unclear all around. I do like actually considering the real reasons events happened the way they did, I just think this is a situation where we’ll have to make some leaps of faith.

    2. I really like your explanation on things. I was upset with a lot of the things in the movie but your post really makes sense.

  3. I agree with you and the critics score.
    You forgot to add:
    14. How did Palpatine survive? What was the secret that Darth Palgueis passed on Sidious? And since Sidious wanted Ray to kill him along, doesn’t that mean he possessed her body as he intended??
    And yes, what of the relationship that had been building between Ray and Finn, left unresolved.
    The movie was a mess, and for a movie of “conclusions,” it left more questions than it answered.
    I liked how they handled Leia’s death, and Poe expressing the impact and difficulty of her leadership. That was cool! That, and Lando’s return were probably the best of it.

    1. So about the Palpatine/Rey issue, a reader had an excellent theory on this which I think I may have to adopt to make any sense of it at all. According to the legend, Darth Plagueis has the ability to bring people back from death, but Palpatine told Anakin that it could never be learned from the Jedi. It would have been awesome if they had tied this in with maybe why she had healing powers as she was a Palpatine. Still a stretch, but that would have been pretty cool I think.

      With Rey and Finn, the two theories I’m hearing people prefer are that he was either going to confess he loved her or confess that he was ‘force sensitive’. While it would have been a weird time to share that he was force sensitive, I would have been a fan of that over him loving her. Either way, this should have been resolved and I believe JJ Abrams released a statement explaining this which I have not been able to find yet.

      So yes, there was a TON wrong with this movie, but I’ve been trying to listen to what people enjoyed and I’ve decided that if you are willing to make some serious leaps of faith, that’s when people are enjoying it most.

      1. Yep. Just switch over to the Sith side and everything is cool !

        So you figured out where she got here healing powers from !

        Yep. She is a Sith !

        Evil won.

  4. Couple of typos including mute instead of moot point, just fyi.

    I agree with han solo not appearing as a ghost but on a few others I think you’re being really pedantic. I loved it and the whole theater applauded loudly at the end. 86% of fans seem to like it.

    1. Fans clapped and cheered at the end in my theater as well. My complaints are more from a storytelling and character development standpoint. I’m just baffled how with the budget of this film, they didn’t even get the basics right. Overall, the reaction has seemed to be right about 50/50 based on the people engaging with my article and Facebook discussions, so my bottom line is ‘you do you’. I’m happy that people enjoyed the film, it just wasn’t for me.

      Thanks for the feedback and especially on correcting my ‘mute point’. I suppose it’s only right that you critique my article like I critiqued Star Wars Rise of Skywalker!

  5. Regarding the lightsaber color – she’s only the first person on the big screen to have a golden lightsaber color. Yellow lightsabers of various shades appear in various other media. They appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, where they’re carried by temple guards. Ahsoka Tano also had a yellow lightsaber for a while (though it was a shoto type, and had a slight green tint). The new Fallen Order game also has a yellow lightsaber.

    As for where she got it, it looks like she made it out of her staff. Fans have speculated it was made out of scavenged lightsaber parts.
    This site has a nice picture side-by-side https://www.inverse.com/article/61908-star-wars-9-rise-of-skywalker-rey-new-yellow-lightsaber-explained

    1. That is interesting that her staff and the lightsaber are so similar. I will go with that myself as a leap of faith to help understand how that entire final scene happened.

  6. She is a Sith ! (How did she get her powers)

    Why is she now a Skywalker?

    Cause the evil Sith just took over the entire galaxy from her evil Sith grandparent. So she lied. It is what a Sith does.

    Power to bring back to life?

    That is a Dark side power. The very one that Palpatine uses to seduce Vader over to the dark side !

    Evil won ! 🙁

    1. That is a very interesting take! I’m pretty sure that’s not the intention of the film, but I love that concept. Darth Sidious tells Anakin of the legend of Plagueis and his power to reverse death but says specifically that is a skill that no Jedi can learn and is a special Sith power.

    1. I wouldn’t be surprised if they give a new director exclusive access to make a new trilogy 5-10 years down the road. Start from scratch and make a new conclusion to the series. I’d be all about that because this trilogy needs wiped, but we will see!

  7. When I saw TROS, I initially liked it. I was so hyped to see it, as was everyone in the theater. We all wanted to like it so much. There was such a buzz in the theater. But later, away from the theater and people like myself who wanted to love the film no matter what, I thought about what had actually happened in the movie. The more I thought about the plot points, the more I disliked the movie. To the point where I hated it. I even felt betrayed. There are too many things in the movie that don’t make any sense. So I asked myself, “If things in the movie don’t make sense, why were they included in the movie?” I think some of it was to course-correct things from The Last Jedi, but mostly it was a matter of having audience-pleasing ideas. Audience pandering – what will make people like the film when they initially see it, but not necessarily in the long run? “Please the audience” is what’s driving this thing. I think the Sequel Trilogy really suffered from not having a singular voice and framework, from the start. The directors needed to be unified, from the start. What we got instead was two directors with opposing ideas who were guilty of shooting from the hip. The only person I know who likes the film is a relative who’s not a big fan, and just wanted a fun movie to watch. But I know there is a lot of division online about this movie. I for one think it’s really bad. Visually it’s stunning, but story-wise it’s weak and illogical.

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